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The Many Ways Human Translation Benefits Your Organization

Machine translation has come a long way in the last decade. While new Neural Machine Translation (NMT) tools are continuing to be developed and enhanced every day, there really is still no substitute for human translation. Hiring human translators for your projects provides multiple benefits to your organization, your projects, and the Limited English Proficient (LEP) populations that you serve. 

Human translation and mutual intelligence

There are numerous examples of languages that have words that do not correspond to words in your target language. This is especially true of words that you translate from English to any other language. Hiring human translators means they’ll read the whole text before they start translating, while machines will translate word-by-word, regardless of syntax, logic, or context. Human translation will sound more natural due to understanding of the document’s context.

Human translation and creativity

Machines can translate the substance of the subject matter at hand, but they cannot effectively implement the creativity that human translators can and lose the meaning. Your human translators, with expertise in your source and target languages, will understand the nuances of each language and be able to effectively communicate the meaning from your source document.

Human translation and cultural sensitivity

Each culture has different values and norms. These values and norms are interwoven in the language that the specific population uses. When starting translation projects, it’s important to consider and be sensitive to these cultural aspects. Machines do not fully understand the culture of the people who speak language, but human translators are immersed in these societies daily. They will effectively translate in a way that creates a supportive tone which avoids offending any of your target audience.

Human translation and accuracy

Human translation provides a superior level of accuracy in your translation projects as compared to machine translation. While machines are able to do the job quickly, they won’t take into consideration the context of the document or any language nuances. Because of this, machine translation lends itself to inaccuracies in translation. Using human translation for your translation projects can help to ensure the accuracy and quality of your projects because it is the translator’s job to do so.

Human translation and quality assurance

Machine translation is not run through a quality assurance process. Human translation, on the other hand, goes through a quality assurance process. When you hire a Language Service Provider (LSP) like Avantpage, your translations are put through a rigorous quality assurance process that helps to ensure complete accuracy. Not only this, but the quality assurance process will also help to ensure that your documents are translated consistently over time. 

Human translation provides a wide variety of benefits to your organization. If you want to learn more about the benefits of human translation, or start your next translation project, we can help! Call us at 530-750-2040 or request a free quote today.