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Empathy Beyond Words

Avantpage supports your language goals. We enable you to engage a wide audience, reduce risk, harness AI and technology, and improve access to services for immigrant and LEP communities.

Photo of a woman smiling authentically and looking directly at the camera with an out of focus background
Promote Patient Health

Promote Patient Health

Ensure your patients understand every step of their healthcare journey, whatever language they speak.
Interpreting services

Engage Your Community

Bring your essential services and programs to the multilingual communities that rely on you.
Advance Science and Medicine

Advance Science and Medicine

Promote your clinical products and medical research to a global audience, ensuring access for all.
Harness Technology

Harness Technology

Make the most of advanced tools and processes, to the benefit of your organization and your end users.
150+ languages
28 years of experience
ISO Certified
Photo of a man with a young girl hugging him over the shoulders as they look at a tablet while smiling

Enhancing Human Capabilities with AI 

Are you excited by the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence and other technologies, but not quite sure how and where to employ them? With a combination of off-the-shelf and in-house technologies, Avantpage will find the right solution for you.

Our goal is your goal: to achieve business success, advance health equity and equal access to government services, save you time and money, and guarantee quality and data security. All these things can be achieved through our AI-powered workflows, in which the work of our human specialists is enhanced but never replaced.

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