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Why Professional Translation Matters

A Report from 2013 MedAssets Business Summit

At the recent 2013 MedAssets Business Summit, Avantpage spoke with numerous healthcare organizations regarding their language assistance needs and how they’re currently handling their written translations. Many representatives mentioned they rely on in-house translators to handle vital documents translations. Although this is often done in the hopes of reducing costs, using internal translators who have other job priorities and who also have not been professionally trained in translation runs the high risk of miscommunication – actually increasing costs in the long-run.

In addition, the sheer number of vital documents required for translation can exceed the capabilities of in-house translator. The documents must also meet certain language assistance standards, such as the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care Standards (CLAS).

To find out more about our impressions of the conference and what we learned, contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to share our ideas about how using a professional translation provider can provide high-quality translations to increase patient safety and satisfaction and reduce your costs.