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5 Helpful Ways You Can Support Immigrants

Much of the news you’ve read in the past two weeks has probably concerned the issue of immigration. The detention of immigrant children, coupled with the upholding of the travel ban by the Supreme Court, has lead to incredibly distressing headlines. If you’re anything like the team at Avantpage, you may be wondering what you can do to support immigrants who are dealing with the consequences of these horrific actions.

To help you make a difference, we’ve created a list of ways you can help these people who are only trying to pursue better, safer lives than those they have in their home countries. No matter your bandwidth, you can find something on this list that you can do to support immigrants.  

Support Immigrants By Donating

Many immigrant-centered organizations are nonprofit and need monetary donations to continue the work they do. Here are some organizations you can donate to and support with your dollars:

Support Immigrants By Volunteering

Many immigrant-focused organizations rely on volunteers to effectively support immigrant communities. These organizations typically need interpreters and legal professionals.

Support Immigrants By Speaking Up

On June 30, 2018, hundreds of thousands of people around the country marched to show support for immigrants and protest the separation of children from their parents.

While this particular march has happened, there are many throughout the rest of the year that allow you to show support for immigrants. You can stay up-to-date on upcoming events through this link.

Support Immigrants By Calling Your Representatives

Let the people who represent your area know that you will not stand for the separation of children from their families, and you will not stand for the mistreatment of immigrants as a whole.

Show your support

Standing up for immigrants can be as simple as publicly showing your support. Use social media posts to show your support. Write letters to immigrants. Join local activist groups. Start the hard conversations about immigration that need to be had. If you see someone harassing an immigrant, stop them, educate them. Stand up for your fellow human beings.

There are many opportunities to get involved with helping immigrants in this time of dire need. Support those among us who are trying valiantly to find better lives than those they are leaving, support immigrants in any way you can. If you have alternate ideas, leave us a comment and we’ll add them to this list. Remember, we are a nation founded by immigrants. Without immigration, not a single one of us would be in the positions we are today.

For more on immigration, how we support immigrants, and how you can support immigrants, read some of our other blog posts:

Watch These 3 Powerful TED Talks About Immigration
Here’s One Way to Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month
Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month and Tell Your Story
Your Guide to 4 Organizations Impacting Immigration in a Big Way