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A Look at the Avantpage Translator Selection Process

Pre-Qualification Translators can apply for work via our Careers page on our website or they can be referred by translators who already work with Avantpage. Translators must submit their Request for Qualifications form to qualify; they must perform sample tests in their areas of expertise; and they must send a sample of their work along with the original source document, and a valid Certification of Membership to ATA, a Court Certification, or a Certification from an equivalent Professional Translation Institution.

Qualification Once the translator is pre-qualified, we interview them, and our Project Management team works with him/her in a “test” project to evaluate quality, responsiveness, and turnaround times. The translation is reviewed by the Lead Translator to check accuracy and quality with the original file. If these stages are completed successfully, the translator signs the nondisclosure agreement, and they are monitored for 3 months by our PM team and the Lead Translator for that language.

Permanent Team Members Translators receive training on our online project management systems (AvantFlow and AvantForum), Translation Tools (SDLX, Trados), AvantMemory/XTM, teamwork, Avantpage quality control process, and Avantpage customer service guidelines. All our translators receive permanent feedback and training in order to continuously be updated in their performance. Each language team has access to AvantForum to share best practices with the rest of the Avantpage Translators’ team.

Continuous Evaluation and Skill Updating Translators are periodically evaluated to ensure they have been performing well for our customers. In addition we survey them for new skills or tools they have acquired, continuing education courses, and ask them how we can improve our systems or processes.

To find out more about Avantpage’s translators, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today!