Announcing a Trio of Brand-New Alternative Format Solutions
At Avantpage, we are always searching for ways to service our customers more effectively and deliver language solutions that will enhance their communication initiatives. Recently, we’ve added three new services to our line-up, and we’re excited to let all our customers know about them.
So much of our clients’ critical information is delivered through written materials: documentation, consent forms, instruction forms, benefits information, hand-outs, brochures, website updates, etc. Individuals with visual impairment, learning disabilities or reading difficulties had trouble accessing this information – until now.
As part of our suite of language services, Avantpage now offers
Alternative Formats into Braille, Audio and Large Print.
Braille – This tactile language is read by individuals who are blind or who have extremely limited vision. Avantpage can translate all your documents into Braille, including complex forms, graphs and tables. We can handle any type of document, from single-page letters to reports, catalogues, books and more. The process is simple: Just send us your document, and we take care of everything else. When you translate into Braille, you increase your organization’s accessibility, provide great customer service and give your visually impaired clients full access to the information they need.
Audio – Using audio is an effective way to offer customers with visual impairments or reading difficulties access to information through clear, easy-to-understand recordings. We oversee the entire process, from selecting and hiring voice talent to sound editing, mixing and recording. When you offer audio as one of your communication options, you provide your visually impaired clients with a positive way to understand and absorb large amounts of information without having to rely on the written word.
Large Print – Large Print documents are utilized by people who cannot comfortably read regular font sizes. Large Print translation is much more than “making the letters bigger.” Large Print transcription involves choosing font sizes, colors and presentation styles for optimum visual impact. Creating Large Print documents is a complex formatting process, and Avantpage takes care of it all – delivering accurate, readable, Large Print documents swiftly and cost-effectively.
We hope you’ll take advantage of our new Alternative Format services to be able to effectively reach and communicate with all your customers.
For more information, contact Avantpage today!