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Covered California – What You Need to Know

Covered California–– California’s new Health Benefit Exchange –– represents a unique opportunity for health plan providers to increase market share and gain new customers … but timing will prove critical.

When Covered California goes into effect (January 2014, with pre-enrollment beginning October 2013), thousands of consumers and small businesses will be newly eligible to purchase health insurance. This pool of newly eligible consumers will be largely LEP (Limited English Proficient), which means that health plan providers must have a solid translation strategy in place before Covered California goes “live.”

What do these LEP customers want as they shop for coverage through Covered California? They need to understand benefits information; compare plan offerings; and make educated choices regarding costs, benefit options, quality, value and more.

Click here to read our Special Report: “Covered California – Claiming Your Share of the Health Benefit Exchange” – which explains the Health Benefit Exchange, how providers should plan to stay ahead of the game, and the five steps health plans can take now to get started.

At Avantpage, we specialize in translation for the healthcare industry and work closely with a variety of healthcare organizations, including CalOptima, Delta Dental, Alameda Alliance for Health, MESVision, California Department of Public Health, EyeMed Vision Care and more.

Contact us today to create a comprehensive, affordable translation strategy that will help you communicate more effectively with your clients, increase your market share, and secure new business.