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How to Make Telehealth Services More Accessible for All Patients

Telehealth services have become a convenient way for patients and healthcare providers to address health issues. And while telehealth and telemedicine are excellent ways to receive care for many people, research shows that telehealth services aren’t always accessible for individuals with disabilities. This includes not just the telehealth appointment itself but also the steps of the patient journey leading up to the appointment (e.g., finding a doctor, filling out forms, etc.) and the post-appointment (e.g., getting a prescription, scheduling follow-up tests, reading materials, etc.). While many different types of disabilities exist (e.g., hearing, visual, cognitive, motor and dexterity, and speech), we’ll focus on hearing and visual disabilities for this blog.

survey by the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) found that 70% of 488 adults in the U.S. who are blind, have low vision or are deafblind tried to use telemedicine, but 57% had problems accessing the platform.

In addition, a research report by the AFB showed that most of the material provided by healthcare providers is not accessible to them. This results in difficulties with prescription labels, pre-surgery instructions, and other types of materials.

“We need accessible healthcare mobile apps and websites. We need technology to represent graphical information in a format we can understand.” —Congenitally VI White male, aged 45 to 54 years, with no additional disabilities (p.55 Flatten Accessibility Report)

Yet healthcare providers can take steps to make their services more accessible for individuals. We’ll look at what should be reviewed and made accessible along the patient journey.

Pre-Telehealth Appointment

Finding a physician and initiating an appointment are the first few steps in the patient journey. In general, people turn online to do this research.

Accessibility Considerations for Healthcare Providers

Think about all the steps a patient must take do before a telehealth visit. How can you make those steps more accessible? For example:

During the Telehealth Appointment

The telehealth visit should be viewed from the patients’ perspective and also from an internal technical perspective.

Accessibility Considerations for Healthcare Providers

How can your organization make its telehealth services more accessible during the appointment? The patient needs to receive accessible log-in instructions, troubleshooting information, contact information for technical help, and information on how to cancel or reschedule.

Your organization’s IT team should implement the following technical features to ensure the telehealth visit is accessible for users who are blind, have low vision, are deaf, or are hard-of-hearing. This will ensure the patient is able to connect into their telehealth appointment.

If you would like help assessing these areas, Avantpage is happy to find a solution to match your budget and timeline. Request a quote today.

Post-Telehealth Appointment

The patient experience doesn’t end with the telehealth appointment. There might be instructions, follow-up appointments to schedule, tests to schedule, care instructions, updates in patient portals, and more.

Accessibility Considerations for Healthcare Providers

While the post-visit process varies for each individual, the same concepts that we mentioned earlier also apply here.


Healthcare providers can greatly improve the patient journey by providing accessible materials and online experience. These materials should provide the best accessibility and user experience.

We provide a full range of services for healthcare providers to accommodate those with disabilities. We can review your current client-facing content for accessibility and work together with you to make changes to websites, digital content, and other types of content along the patient journey. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help healthcare providers accommodate their patients with disabilities and improve their patient journeys, and contact us at [email protected] or (530) 750-2040.