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Does Your Organization Have Linguistic Assets?

There are many moving parts to a translation project. Whether you’re new to translating your organization’s documents or you’re a seasoned veteran, streamlining the process can be challenging. That’s where translation tools come in to help. Linguistic assets can help to organize your translation projects by making your translators aware of your linguistic preferences before beginning your projects. 

What are linguistic assets?

Linguistic assets indicate key style preferences for your organization’s translation projects. Translation Memories (TMs), glossaries, and style guides are all considered linguistic assets. 

Translation Memory reuses past translations to increase translation efficiency. When your translation project is completed, the language from the original (or source) document is stored along with the language from its translated counterpart in a secure database. This occurs with every project as you begin to build a translation memory.

Glossaries, another linguistic asset, include a set of key terms and their approved translations. They’re particularly useful for indicating approved translations of industry-specific terms, and terms you want consistently translated across your documents. 

Style guides, the last of the linguistic assets you should be aware of, inform your LSP and translators about your organization’s look, voice, and general identity. This is also a great place to address practical questions for your translators, such as how to handle translating acronyms and what words should be left in English.

Why does your organization need linguistic assets?

Creating and using linguistic assets in concert with your LSP has a variety of benefits to your translation projects and your organization. 

Using linguistic assets can help to support your efforts to streamline your translation projects. We can help you create style guides, glossaries, and Translation Memory databases. Call us at 530-750-2040, or request a free quote today.