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The ROI of Language Assistance: How It Pays to Communicate in Your Patients’ Language

The ROI of Language Assistance: How It Pays to Communicate in Your Patients’ Language

Research shows that the per-patient costs of Language Assistance are low, while providing services in a culturally and linguistically appropriate (CLAS) manner leads to better patient outcomes and significantly lower costs to the system. With minorities providing most of the growth in California's population today and in the future, offering CLAS is a key factor in growing your patient base. Avantpage offers quality language access solutions at the government, insurer, provider, and individual level. We also have specific recommendations on how to start and implement a professional Language Assistance program. To learn more about how the cost benefits of language access, and the benefits to patients and community, contact Avantpage at 530-750-2040.

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New Report: Translation Technology 101 (Part I)

New Report: Translation Technology 101 (Part I)

Today Avantpage Translations released a special report called "Translation Technology 101: How It's Changing The Business and How We Use It". The new technologies used by companies such as Google have made computer, or machine, translation more accurate than ever. But just how reliable are these translations? Are translation companies going to start "cutting corners" by using machine translation software? How does machine translation work? Read Part I of our report here, as we discuss the evolution of translation technology, specifically machine translation. We also explore the benefits and drawbacks of using this technology, as well as potential applications.

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10 Best Practices for Translation

10 Best Practices for Translation

Whether your company is in need of translation services for the first time or you have years of experience, it's always good to review best practices. These 10 tips can help your business navigate the process of obtaining, coordinating, and evaluating translation services.  Because Avantpage realizes how important it is to get things right from the beginning. 1) Be an educated translation consumer. When it comes to selecting a Language Services Provider (LSP) you must get well-acquainted with their translation process and quality assurance procedures, as well as the costs. It goes without saying that the cheapest translation provider may not be the best one for your company, but a good provider will be able to find ways to save you money. 2) Do an internal-needs assessment. This involves asking some critical questions before you proceed. What languages are you dealing with? Is a particular linguistic group within your area not considered a "threshold" language according to some definitions, but you know the population is growing? Does it make economic sense to begin providing translation service in this area anyway? What types of vital documents will you need to have translated? What data formats are the documents in? 3) Allocate appropriate resources. Providers of medical plans may already realize this, but any large company that is serious about translation should have a Cultural & Linguistics department or coordinator. It's also essential to allocate an appropriate budget, since you will need to hire a certified LSP. 4) Plan the translation process. Work with your language service provider to determine your process, what steps will take place each time a document is translated and how your specific needs will be met. What regulations must you follow in regards to translation? 5) Make sure all translation is coordinated from the top down. This seems like common sense, but the head of the C&L department should work with the LSP to ensure consistency throughout all documents. Recurrent phrases that have to be rewritten to make sense in the target language should always be translated the same way... This leads to #6. 6) Create style guides and glossaries. Compiled manually, style guides and glossaries do not affect the cost or time of your translations. They increase the overall quality and consistency of your documents. A glossary contains important terms with their preferred translations, and the style guide lets translators know linguistic and stylistic preferences (such as the audience and tone of the document.) 7) Stay ahead of the game by standardizing vital documents and pre-translating non-standard vital documents. If you know the need will exist to have a particular form or other document translated, it only makes sense to get it done ahead of time. Vital documents include applications, consent forms and letters. Non-standard documents usually contain information specific to one person, such as a health care service authorization. 8) Design and write documents appropriately. What does this mean? You have to assume that your audience may only read at the elementary school level. Keep information written for the consumer as simple and clear as possible. This will also help you when it comes time to have documents translated. Documents that require certain wording for legal purposes can still be written in words everyone can understand-it may just take a little extra effort. 9) Design appropriate internal review processes. How will you know when a translation is finished? ASTM STD. F 2575‐06 is mainly used in the USA and will give you a good starting point to discuss the quality assurance process with your LSP. If your company works in Europe, you may need to use EN 15038 as a standard instead. 10) Be an active part of the translation process and community. To ensure that you get the greatest value out of your translation services, be an active part of the process. If you have one main LSP, consider having a backup available in case of emergencies. Work closely with them at all times. Join professional organizations that will help you stay on top of changes to the law. When you anticipate regulatory changes, it will be easier to comply. Finally, always look ahead to the future of translation in your industry. When you begin to think of translation as more than just compliance, but a tool to reach new markets, you'll see that quality translations aren't just necessary; they're part of an investment strategy that will eventually have a major payoff.

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What is an Attestation?

What is an Attestation?

Translation attestation is an important regulatory requirement for Federal Medicare and California Language Assistance programs (Executive Order 13166, California Code of Regulations sections 1300.67.8 and 1304.67.04, and California Insurance Code sections 82538.1 to 82538.8).  An attestation is the equivalent to a notarized certification; it simply corroborates or authenticates the facts detailed. It's not a guarantee of quality. The actual translation must be performed according to agreed-upon processes and standards. To learn more about Avantpage's attestations and our policies, contact Laura Kujubu, VP of Operations, at 530-750-2040, x3.

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How Does Avantpage Select Its Translators?

How Does Avantpage Select Its Translators?

Ever wonder how we find and then screen our translators? Firstly, translators apply to Avantpage via our Careers page on our website or they can be referrals from translators who work with us already. But then what? Do we just read their resumes, and make them take a quick test? No! Avantpage translators perform sample tests, submit work samples, are interviewed, and present valid certification from a professional translation institution. And that's just our pre-qualification step. After that, translators are qualified, sign non-disclosure agreeements, are thoroughly monitored, and much, much more. To learn more about how we select our translators, contact Laura Kujubu, Sr. Director of Operations & Customer Relations, at 530-750-2040, x3. Laura will fill you in on our continuous training program on Avantpage project management tools,  our quality control process, customer service guidelines, and why you can be sure that with our team of professional translators you're getting best-in-the-industry quality.

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Interested in Doing Medical Interpreting Field Work in Haiti?

Interested in Doing Medical Interpreting Field Work in Haiti?

The International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA) has been recruiting medical interpreters interested in doing field work in Haiti. The USNS Comfort is assisting Haitian victims since the disaster took place. The American Red Cross in Miami is organizing the placement in the USNS Comfort and has requested the assistance of the IMIA to recruit professional Haitian medical interpreters. Over 100 interpreters were deployed last month and there will be rotations of 34 interpreters each month.
Click here to find the recruitment criteria, guidelines and the deployment guidelines. Please read the document carefully.
The Red Cross will pay for travel to Miami and provide lodging and meals aboard the USNS Comfort as well as telephone cards. Term of field work is 30 days. If you are seriously interested and committed to volunteering for this specific field work at the USNS Comfort, please do the following:

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New California Law Protects Limited-English Consumers In Real Estate Transactions

New California Law Protects Limited-English Consumers In Real Estate Transactions

According to data from the United States Census of 2000, the top five languages other than English most widely spoken by Californians in their homes are Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean. Together, these languages are spoken by approximately 83 percent of all Californians who speak a language other than English in their homes, or more than 9.96 million people. When you consider that it can be difficult even for native English speakers to understand a complicated real estate contract, it's not hard to imagine that limited-English individuals are especially susceptible to fraudulent lending practices. California Assembly Bill 1160, passed in 2009 and in effect as of January 1, 2010, addresses this. If negotiations for a real estate transaction are conducted in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean, the borrower must be given a written translation of the contract and/or the appropriate disclosures and forms. If there are any substantial revisions to the contract, then these revisions must be translated as well. Avantpage has released a special report called "New Standards For Contract Translation In California." The report discusses the full implications of the new law as well as strategies for lenders and brokers seeking compliance.

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With New Regulations Looming, Avantpage Translations Releases Report on Translation For Pharmacies

With New Regulations Looming, Avantpage Translations Releases Report on Translation For Pharmacies

Today Avantpage Translations released a special report called Translation Law and The Pharmacy: Protecting The Consumer's Right To Understand. Healthcare providers, insurers, and managed care organizations have already changed the way they interact with limited-English proficient (LEP) clients. With recently settled lawsuits in New York and upcoming changes in enforcement in California, the new focus is on pharmacies. How can pharmacies meet the new translation requirements effectively and ensure compliance? What will new guidelines mean? This topic is especially timely because the California State Board of Pharmacy in the Department of Consumer Affairs is in the process of defining compliance with Senate Bill 472, which requires standardized pharmacy labels. The Board has recently adopted draft regulations and is accepting comments until January 4, 2010. They will hold a hearing on the issue on January 20, in Sacramento at 1625 N. Market Blvd. in the Hearing Room at 9:30 a.m. Avantpage will continue to examine the linguistic issues that affect healthcare and keep clients informed as the regulations change. You may also contact Avantpage at (530) 750-2040 or at [email protected] for more information.

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Support Stronger Regulations for the Translation of Prescription Drug Labels

Support Stronger Regulations for the Translation of Prescription Drug Labels

The California Board of Pharmacy recently adopted draft regulations for the standardization and translation of prescription drug labels.  We think this is a great step forward, but the Board needs to go farther--specifically, by requiring labels to be translated into every patient's primary language. In doing so, the Board will be supporting stronger regulations for language access.  If you'd like to express your thoughts on label translation, send your comments by January 4, 2010 to:  Carolyn Klein  Manager, Legislation and Regulations  California State Board of Pharmacy  1625 N. Market Blvd., N219  Sacramento, CA 95834  Fax: (916) 574-8618  Email: [email protected] There will also be a hearing on the issue on January 20, in Sacramento at 1625 N. Market Blvd. in the Hearing Room at 9:30 a.m.  When you comment, we suggest including these messages, created by CPEHN: Thanks for supporting stronger regulations for language access!

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Bridging the Achievement Gap with Translation

Bridging the Achievement Gap with Translation

Today, Avantpage Translations and School Innovations & Advocacy (SI&A) released a special report on ways that properly and accurately translated documents-not just the ones required by law-can enhance relationships and overall results for schools. Research shows conclusively that parent involvement in their children's education improves student achievement. In particular, children from low-income and culturally and racially diverse families-students most often affected by racial and ethnic "achievement gaps"-benefit from increased involvement. Schools are searching for ways to close these achievement gaps-and translation is a cost-effective solution that should be explored. It's easy to see how school districts can realize higher rates of participation and improved results when they speak the community's language. The complete report can be downloaded here. Avantpage continues to address the linguistic issues that affect education in California and around the country.

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How You Can Access the Latino and Asian Health Care Markets

How You Can Access the Latino and Asian Health Care Markets

The Latino and Asian markets are growing rapidly, and that they represent a great opportunity for the health care industry. Who will take the initiative and reach out to this segment of the population? Who will become trusted members of the community and become preferred providers for thousands of Latino and Asian households? In an America that is daily becoming more diverse, the companies who can fulfill this need will surely be the most successful in the years and decades to come. Click here to read more about how you can access the Latino and Asian health care markets.

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California Department of Child Support Services Chooses Avantpage Translations

California Department of Child Support Services Chooses Avantpage Translations

Avantpage has been awarded a contract with the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) through a competitive bid process. Avantpage will translate State of California Child Support Services' official documents, forms and publications from English into six languages - Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Armenian, Simplified Chinese, and Hmong. Avantpage will also provide reverse translation services by translating into English, documents received by DCSS that are written in languages other than English. Avantpage is proud to work with the DCSS on these important documents and looks forward to the opportunity of serving the families of California.

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