This Is How You Save Money and Time on an EOC Translation
Evidence of Coverage (EOC) Translation
Evidence of Coverage projects are usually hundreds of pages long and include hundreds of thousands of words. Translating these documents takes more time and a larger budget than a smaller translation project. However, even with a large project such as an EOC, there are still opportunities for your health insurance organization to save time and money on translation by using the proper tools. Here are three ways you and your language services provider can make your EOC translation project easier and more affordable.
Use Translation Memory
If you’ve worked with the same LSP in the past or if you’re trying a new company for your EOC this year, Translation Memory can help make your project more consistent and accurate with faster turn-around.
Translation Memory software allows an LSP to build on previous work. When it’s time to complete a new translation, the software can analyze the new document against previously translated documents. The application helps decipher which words and phrases have been repeated and indicates how they were previously translated. This allows your LSP to maintain consistency and translate similar phrases the same way, controlling your voicing and brand consistency.
It also creates some cost savings. For example, if the TM shows that 30% of the words in your EOC are matches, then you’ll pay less for those words.
Translation Memory software also allows you to save specific terminology and style preferences for use on subsequent translations. With TM, multiple linguists can work with the same assets in real time, so your project can be completed faster.
Provide a Previously Translated Document
If you can’t provide a TM file, it’s helpful to provide your LSP with a previously translated document and the source document. This will allow your LSP to analyze both documents and find repeated words and phrases. Like Translation Memory, this will save your health insurance organization time and money, but it does require some time for preparation and planning. While it may require you to dedicate some time at the beginning of the project, you will reap the benefits later.
Stay Organized With a Project Management System
Using an online project management system can make your EOC translation more efficient and affordable.
At Avantpage, we use AvantFlow—an online translation project management system that delivers unlimited access and exceptional service at all times for all your health insurance translation projects.
AvantFlow assigns you an individual account. Using this account, you can make new translation project requests, monitor and modify existing translation projects, retrieve past translation projects, and pick-up finalized translation projects. This one-stop comprehensive solution allows you to upload project files, request a quote, leave special instructions, and assign a due date.
Our system is also equipped to handle large files, so your documents are centralized and accessible from any computer online. To keep communication clear, all your translation project details are automatically stored and organized for easy reference.
When your LSP has tools to analyze your documents and keep your project on track, your EOC translation can be done more quickly and affordably.
To find out more about how Avantpage can help you complete your EOC project under budget and before your deadline, email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-530-750-2040, extension 6.