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Accessibility Services

Just as translation services and interpreting services enable you to connect with communities who have limited English proficiency, Avantpage’s accessibility services allow you to communicate with individuals who have vision or hearing disabilities.

Expanding your language offerings to include accessible and alternative formats means that you bring your services and programs to more people. Additionally, it keeps you in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations. Avantpage can connect you to these historically underserved individuals through document remediation, large print, audio and voiceover services, braille, CART, and sign language interpreting.

Alternative Format Services

Alternative Format Services

Converting documents to braille, large print formats, or audio files.
Document Remediation

Document Remediation

Making PDFs accessible and compliant with ADA and Section 508 regulations.
Website Accessibility

Website Accessibility

Bringing your website in compliance with WCAG standards.
Sign Language and CART

Sign Language and CART

Sign language interpreting and captioning provides access for individuals with hearing disabilities.

Alternative Format Services

Alternative formats make your written content more accessible for individuals with vision related disabilities. By converting text to braille, large print, or audio formats, you ensure that these individuals can access important communications regarding your services.

Regulations regarding alternative formats and the timeframe in which you must deliver them vary depending on your industry and the state in which you’re located. Avantpage follows regulatory changes closely and ensures that you are always in compliance.

See below for a breakdown of the various alternative formats available to you.

Photo of a woman smiling sitting at a table working on a laptop to showcase how technology can be adapted for accessibility services

Document Remediation Services

Document remediation involves converting digital documents, often PDFs, into accessible formats for people with disabilities. The process enhances compatibility with screen readers and assistive technologies by adding alternative text, clear headings, and a well-structured layout. This ensures compliance with section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and enables you to effectively engage individuals with communication disabilities.

Our accessibility services experts will analyze your existing files, make recommendations, and complete the work as part of our translation workflow or as a standalone project.

Website Accessibility Services

Much like document remediation, Avantpage’s website accessibility services keep you in compliance and ensure that your online content is accessible to all. Our process meets the best practices laid out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and ensures that you fulfil the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

The first step of any website accessibility project is a thorough assessment of your existing site. We provide you with an accessibility report, highlighting any concerns and outlining how we will correct them.

We also perform website accessibility services for websites in other languages. There are additional considerations when making a translated website accessible, and this step can happen on an existing site or as part of our website localization workflow.

Sign Language and CART

Avantpage offers a comprehensive range of accessibility services to support individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. These services help bridge communication gaps, providing equal access to information and enhancing the user experience for all. Our services include:

Interpreting Services

To learn more about how our interpreting services can help you connect with deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, visit our Interpreting Services page.

Struggling with expanding ADA requirements for accessibility?

We have effectively implemented large print, audio, and braille services for high turnaround member letters at organizations who had little guidance. Leverage our expertise and peer insights to meet your accessibility needs. Speak with a representative to learn more.