Elections Case Study
3 Counties, 100 Files, 49,000 Words, 48 Hours
Avantpage was selected from 100s of translation providers, to translate materials for 3 of California’s counties. Like most counties they needed a wide-range of files translated and they needed it done fast! We translated over 100 files in 48 hours ranging from:
- Candidate Statements
- Measures
- Filler Pages
- Ballot Covers
- And Much More!
The Scope
A commercial printing company contacted Avantpage for assistance with translating a substantial amount of election materials from English into Spanish. The project included over 100 files of elections-related material from three California counties: San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara. We received a total of:
- 63 Candidate Statements
- 21 Measures
- 4 Ballot Covers
- 30 Filler Pages
- 12 Additional Files
Our solutions
Avantpage quickly mobilized a team of more than a dozen Spanish-language translators, editors, and revisers with extensive experience translating election and government content. Within 24-hours our skilled election project coordinator:
- Confirmed the availability of our external vendors and prepared them to receive a large volume of materials with a short turnaround time.
- Created a project completion timeline for each county.
- Distributed clear and consistent information to all team members about each county’s linguistic and layout preferences.
- Dedicated a linguistic Translation, Editing and Proofreading (TEP) team to each county for the duration of the project to ensure the consistency of translated content.
The Outcome
Through a combination of teamwork and continual communication with our client, Avantpage successfully and accurately delivered the project on time, despite the tight deadline. As a result, our client was able to print and distribute voting materials to Spanish-speaking communities in time for the election. Avantpage is proud to have played a part in giving California’s Limited English Proficient voters a voice in their local elections process.
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