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Support Stronger Regulations for the Translation of Prescription Drug Labels

The California Board of Pharmacy recently adopted draft regulations for the standardization and translation of prescription drug labels.  We think this is a great step forward, but the Board needs to go farther–specifically, by requiring labels to be translated into every patient’s primary language. In doing so, the Board will be supporting stronger regulations for language access.  If you’d like to express your thoughts on label translation, send your comments by January 4, 2010 to:  Carolyn Klein  Manager, Legislation and Regulations  California State Board of Pharmacy  1625 N. Market Blvd., N219  Sacramento, CA 95834  Fax: (916) 574-8618  Email: [email protected] There will also be a hearing on the issue on January 20, in Sacramento at 1625 N. Market Blvd. in the Hearing Room at 9:30 a.m.  When you comment, we suggest including these messages, created by CPEHN:

Thanks for supporting stronger regulations for language access!