Election Translation Services
Maximizing voter turnout and ensuring that voters are informed is a top priority for anyone working in elections. With increasingly diverse communities around the United States, providing in-language support is crucial to engage, inform, and drive eligible voters to the polls on election day.
Each election cycle too many Americans miss out on voting, solely because of their limited English proficiency. Despite state and federal efforts to mandate language access at election time, many eligible voters are still faced with inadequate translation services, leading to low engagement within multilingual communities. We believe that every citizen should have a right to make informed choices at the ballot box, no matter what their language is, and we are dedicated to helping you make this a reality.

Informed Voting in Any Language
You work tirelessly to ensure free, secure elections and to increase voter turnout at the polls. With so much on your plate, you need a language services partner who you can rely on for the quality, timely service you need to succeed and meet these goals. For nearly three decades, Avantpage has supported county and state elections offices across the country. We are a proud partner to more than half the counties in California, as well as to the diverse regions of Florida, Washington, and New York, among others.
Empower Voters Through Translations
Meet the needs of your voters by providing quality election translations of the following:
- Candidate statements
- Voter Information Guides
- Ballots and sample ballots
- Election administration plans
- Measures
- Voting instructions
- Press releases
- Outreach materials
- Fact sheets
- Advertisments
- Social media
- Public notices
- Signage
- Schedules
- Webpages
After translation, these materials go through our standard desktop publishing process. This means that our multilingual designers format the translated documents to mirror the layout of the originals. This is critical for voter guides and ballots, which we provide in a final, print-ready version.
Other Ways To Build Voter Trust
During a busy election cycle, you may need help with more than written translation. We’ve helped offices across the country with a wide variety of other language services, including:
Interpreting Services for Elections
Our experienced interpreters are available for in-person and virtual assignments, allowing you to provide on-demand interpreting support to voters at polling locations, hotlines, or community outreach events.
Multilingual Engagement and Outreach
Multilingual outreach can help you reach more voters. From creating targeted campaigns and informational materials to offering interpreting for community events and forums, we can help you engage with LEP voters.
Evaluating Bilingual Poll Workers
Hiring bilingual poll workers helps LEP voters on election day. But assessing their qualifications can be challenging. We provide language assessment services to ensure effective communication at the polls.
We’ve Got You Covered
Our vast experience in this field has allowed us to understand the challenges and priorities of our elections clients. Getting ready for an election requires an extensive amount of coordination under extremely stringent timelines and we know that translation is just one piece of this. We have developed strategies and employed technologies to support the following:
Meeting tight deadlines We understand the election calendar and boost our teams during election cycles.
Ensuring quality Our linguists are trained on elections terminology and supported by glossaries and other translation technologies.
Staying in budget Our translation memory technology helps keep costs down by reusing translations of repeated text.
Working with printers Avantpage can work with your printing partner directly or through you. Our design team can provide print-ready ballots and voter guides in any language.
Planning ahead Get ahead of the game by creating a language access plan or simply meet with us to discuss each upcoming cycle. Any information you can share regarding your language needs helps us prepare in advance of the work.
Struggling to engage LEP voters? See how one county succeeded.
Discover how a county elections office improved their results by creatively targeting LEP voters through effective translations and interpreting. Uncover their innovative strategies to enhance language access and ensure every voice counts.