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Covered California Expected to Enroll

Covered California Expected to Enroll

Close to One Million New LEP Healthcare Clients California’s new Health Exchange, Covered California, rolled out on October 1, in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. Covered California is now offering a six-month open enrollment period. Tens of thousands of Californians logged on to access the exchange’s website and learn about the available health insurance options. Covered California is implementing statewide efforts to contact and educate uninsured consumers and encourage them to enroll. Delivering this information to a diverse group of potential health care consumers is difficult for many reasons. Chief among the reasons is the fact that a large number are considered Limited English Proficient (LEP). According to a joint study by the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the University of California, Berkeley Labor Center, approximately one million people who are eligible for federal subsidies within the new health care program are LEP. California has the largest minority population of any state, with about 22.3 million people classified as minorities. They make up multiple ethnic populations within California. So reaching out to eligible healthcare consumers must be accomplished through the use of multiple languages. Accurate, high-quality translation of websites, documentation, outreach materials and health plan information is vital to the success of Covered California. Translation companies like Avantpage are poised to play a key role in the process. In California, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Armenian, Farsi (Persian), Hmong, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Russian, Tagalog and Vietnamese are just some of the languages spoken by the state’s minority population. Many of these people are not comfortable communicating in English. As Covered California continues to reach out to LEP populations and enroll new consumers in its healthcare program, translation takes on a critical role in catering to the health needs of California’s minority population.

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Announcing a Trio of Brand-New Alternative Format Solutions

Announcing a Trio of Brand-New Alternative Format Solutions

At Avantpage, we are always searching for ways to service our customers more effectively and deliver language solutions that will enhance their communication initiatives. Recently, we’ve added three new services to our line-up, and we’re excited to let all our customers know about them. So much of our clients’ critical information is delivered through written materials: documentation, consent forms, instruction forms, benefits information, hand-outs, brochures, website updates, etc. Individuals with visual impairment, learning disabilities or reading difficulties had trouble accessing this information – until now. As part of our suite of language services, Avantpage now offers
Alternative Formats into Braille, Audio and Large Print.
Braille – This tactile language is read by individuals who are blind or who have extremely limited vision. Avantpage can translate all your documents into Braille, including complex forms, graphs and tables. We can handle any type of document, from single-page letters to reports, catalogues, books and more. The process is simple: Just send us your document, and we take care of everything else. When you translate into Braille, you increase your organization’s accessibility, provide great customer service and give your visually impaired clients full access to the information they need. Audio – Using audio is an effective way to offer customers with visual impairments or reading difficulties access to information through clear, easy-to-understand recordings. We oversee the entire process, from selecting and hiring voice talent to sound editing, mixing and recording. When you offer audio as one of your communication options, you provide your visually impaired clients with a positive way to understand and absorb large amounts of information without having to rely on the written word. Large Print – Large Print documents are utilized by people who cannot comfortably read regular font sizes. Large Print translation is much more than “making the letters bigger.” Large Print transcription involves choosing font sizes, colors and presentation styles for optimum visual impact. Creating Large Print documents is a complex formatting process, and Avantpage takes care of it all – delivering accurate, readable, Large Print documents swiftly and cost-effectively. We hope you’ll take advantage of our new Alternative Format services to be able to effectively reach and communicate with all your customers. For more information, contact Avantpage today!

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Language Spotlight: Navajo, The Endangered Language

Language Spotlight: Navajo, The Endangered Language

This fascinating and complex language currently has between 120,000 and 170,000 speakers. Most of these speakers live on the Navajo Nation reservation and in other areas of New Mexico and Arizona. Navajo is an important heritage language, with a rich history. However, children are taught English during school, and English is spoken more often at home than Navajo. For this reason, the number of Navajo speakers is decreasing, and the language has an endangered status. Navajo officials are working to promote and preserve this language. Originally, the language was oral only, but during the 1800s, missionaries began creating an alphabet based on the English alphabet. This written language has evolved slowly as linguists and interpreters worked with Navajo speakers to create a written language. In 1910, Franciscan missionaries published Vocabulary of the Navajo Language. Today, the language is both written and spoken. During World War II, the Navajo language entered the national and international spotlight. Navajo code talkers were employed by the United States government to encode, transmit and decode messages. This language was ideal for use as a code that the enemy just couldn’t crack. It was ideal for a number of reasons: Navajo code talkers were widely recognized for their contributions to WWII. Major Howard Connor, 5th Marine Division Signal Officer stated, “Were it not for the Navajos, the Marines would never have taken Iwo Jima.” (Naval Historical Center, Navajo Code Talkers: World War II Fact Sheet) Recently, there have been high-profile attempts to keep the language alive. For example, in 2013, Star Wars was translated into Navajo. This marked the first time any major motion picture was translated into a Native American language. Avantpage has been asked to translate into Navajo, and we are pleased to add this language to our roster. We hope to help Navajo speakers continue to speak and use their language, keeping it off the endangered list.

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Covered California Is Less Than a Month Away. Are You Prepared?

Covered California Is Less Than a Month Away. Are You Prepared?

On October 1, 2013, Californians will begin enrolling in California’s new health exchange, Covered California. Starting three months later, in January 2014, most people must prove that they carry health insurance or face fines and penalties. Californians who carry health insurance through their employers will not be affected by these changes. But for the roughly seven million uninsured Californians, the Affordable Health Care Act and Covered California offers much-needed coverage at affordable rates. For the first time, health care consumers have the ability to comparison shop through an online marketplace to find the health care package that fits their needs and budget. What does this mean for health plans? As Covered California takes effect, qualified health plans must be ready to operate and compete in an open marketplace environment. Outreach initiatives, competitive pricing, clear and accurate communication about the plans and packages you offer all come into play during the transition period. As thousands of uninsured consumers prepare to purchase insurance – many for the first time – it is critical that information is presented in clear language that is culturally and reading-level-appropriate for new audiences. If you have supplemental marketing or informational documents, translating these into the core languages of your plan’s target audiences allows new health care consumers to accurately assess your plan’s offerings. To find out more about Avantpage's translators and our membership in the American Translators Association, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today! Contact Avantpage for all your high-quality, accurate translation needs. We have translators, technical specialists and support staff in place and are fully prepared to handle additional translation needs from both our current and new clients. We will work with you to ensure that your health care materials, essential benefit descriptions, forms, website materials and other information is accurately translated into as many languages as you need to reach new health care consumers.

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Our Translation Team: The Lifeblood of our Company

Our Translation Team: The Lifeblood of our Company

To find out more about Avantpage's translators and our membership in the American Translators Association, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today!

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Health and Human Services Translation

Health and Human Services Translation

Avantpage is a full-service translation, localization and interpretation company with extensive experience in the healthcare space as well as in social services, education, government and Medicare. We facilitate effective communication through translation and other linguistic services. Our team of translators, localization experts and linguistic specialists will help you overcome language, cultural and social barriers to communicate more effectively with your Limited English Proficient clientele. At Avantpage, we have established ourselves as a linguistically competent organization: we are able to identify the right resources for the right language need presented by our clients. We possess a deep understanding of the different nuances and complexities of language. Our translation and localization efforts demonstrate expertise in the subtleties of language, including cultural differences, dialect, style, reading level, and more. We are familiar with the sensitivity needed to work with diverse groups, dialects and cultural norms that may adversely affect communication. We have expertise in numerous core languages as well as in eastern African languages, including Amharic (national language of Ethiopia), Tigrinya (spoken in the North) and Oromo (spoken in West, South and East). Avantpage has worked with a number of different Health and Human Services providers. Our translation services enable these entities to communicate their programs and services more easily, provide information in any language, and ensure that those who need these services can understand and receive access to them. Health and Human Services organizations are critical to the welfare of communities, individuals and families. Avantpage can translate your information regarding medical care, mental health, nutrition, housing, education, counseling and more into 150 languages using experienced, native-speaking translators, state-of-the-art translation technology and the use of customized style guides and glossaries. We also provide desktop publishing, website and software localization and other services. The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program is a federally-funded program that supports pregnant women, new mothers (and fathers), infants and children under age five. WIC helps families by providing information on topics like breastfeeding, infant nutrition, infant and child behavior, pregnancy, healthy eating and more. WIC has been an Avantpage client since 2010, and we have translated brochures, posters, flyers, worksheets, shopping guides, questionnaires and other documents into Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, Russian, Traditional Chinese and (Eastern) Armenian. We are contracted to work with WIC through 2018, and are glad to be a part of an organization that is so instrumental in helping others improve the lives of children and families. About AvantpageWhen you choose Avantpage, you are partnering with a specialized, highly qualified translation provider with extensive knowledge and experience in your industry. Our translations save you time and money, ensure you comply with regulations and help you connect in any language. For more information, contact us today!

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AvantFlow, Our Project Management System

AvantFlow, Our Project Management System

If not, maybe it's time to take another look! Our clients who use it, love it and here's why: AvantFlow--our signature online translation management system--is a free-of-charge, easy, systematic way to request quotes and projects from us. It also serves as a secure online central repository to store and retrieve all your translation project files. In addition, you can also use AvantFlow to instantly check project status, give detailed project instructions, upload source files, assign due dates and deadlines, and much more. To schedule your 15-minute demo, call me at 530-750-2040, x3, or email me at [email protected]. The demo will give you an idea of how AvantFlow works, how simple it is to use, and how effective it can be in requesting/storing projects and monitoring ongoing work.I look forward to hearing from you! Laura Kujubu, VP of Customer Relations

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Medicare Marketing: Are You in Compliance With CMS Guidelines?

Medicare Marketing: Are You in Compliance With CMS Guidelines?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has strict marketing guidelines in place to protect Medicare customers and potential Medicare prospects from overly aggressive sales and marketing techniques aimed at those in fragile health.  If you are preparing Medicare marketing materials, make sure that you are not violating any of the requirements or guidelines put forth by CMS. To learn more about CMS, visit their website at The marketing guidelines put forth by CMS cover a wide range of marketing materials, including Health plans are responsible for ensuring that all marketing materials such as those described above and directed toward Medicare beneficiaries conform to CMS standards and are submitted to CMS for approval and acceptance. CMS marketing requirements are described in detail in the CMS document entitled Medicare Marketing Guidelines. CMS just recently revised this document for the 2014 contract year. CMS released the draft document for public comment on March 25, 2013, and received over 1,000 comments from 86 entities, including MAOs, PDP sponsors, consumer advocacy groups, pharmacy associations, health plan associations, and State departments of health. After analyzing the comments received from these entities, a final revision was completed in June of 2013. To access the newly revised final guidelines as a PDF file, click here. The Medicare Marketing Guidelines document provides a comprehensive overview of all Medicare Marketing Guidelines and it is recommended that health plan marketers become familiar with its contents and use it as a reference guide when creating new marketing materials, campaigns, advertising or other communication outreach to Medicare members and prospects. Keep in mind that CMS periodically reviews plan sponsor marketing materials either by random sample, during regularly scheduled contract compliance visits, and through “secret shopper” activities. To learn more and get started on a comprehensive, cost-effective Medicare marketing translation program, contact us today!

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Five MORE Smart Strategies For Getting the Most Out Of Your Translation Budget

Five MORE Smart Strategies For Getting the Most Out Of Your Translation Budget

As an Avantpage client, the more you know about the translation process and how it works, the easier it is to create efficiencies and take advantage of savings opportunities. And the more you work with us, the more we learn about your organization, your clients and your translation preferences. This enables us to make educated recommendations and create a customized translation program for your organization. We’ve put together 5 more smart strategies for lowering translation costs. These ideas will help you work productively with us to implement and maintain a cost-effective translation program within your organization. Read here for the first 5 on our list! During the review cycle, you’ll save time and effort if you submit your changes electronically and avoid handwritten notes or scans. These requests are hard to read and difficult to implement. They add time to the project that you could end up paying for and could also impact the document’s quality if the comments are illegible or difficult for us to understand. The review process is much more efficient if the changes are made within the files themselves. If you are in MS Word, use the “Track Changes” option. If you are in a PDF, use the comments tool to indicate your edits. A source document is the original file your piece was created in, and it is editable on our end. We also call it the native document.  Examples of file types are: MS Word, Publisher, InDesign, etc. A PDF is basically a snapshot of the source file; it’s not a file we can work with when doing desktop publishing. If given a PDF, we will recreate your file as best we can, but unfortunately, it’s not the same thing as a source file—and time we spend recreating files adds cost. Uneditable documents are PDFs, faxes and scans (such as a scan of a medical record). We know that the person submitting a translation project to us is most likely not the creator of the original file, but it’s definitely worth the time and cost savings to track down the source/editable/native file in advance of sending us the project. It’s also very helpful to verify there are no password restrictions with the file or to provide password information to us if necessary. Although it’s tempting to want us to get a translation started while you finalize the  English version of the project, this is a process doomed to mistakes and inefficiencies. It is best to have us start the translation process after you’re sure your source file text is final and approved. In the long run, you’ll save time and reduce the probability of mistakes. Another way to avoid extra fees is to plan out your schedule so there are no rush charges incurred. These fees vary by project size, but generally, we ask for two business days per file (about 1,500 words per day). Feel free to consult with your Avantpage Project Manager about turnaround times and delivery dates. Work backwards from your deadline, and stay in communication with your project manager to ensure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to delivery dates and deadlines. We encourage all our clients to use our online project management system, AvantFlow. AvantFlow enables you to monitor your projects, request quotes, upload project files, leave special instructions and assign due dates. You can also retrieve past projects, store and organize project information and data and instantly access completed projects. The alternative to this is using email or calling to submit projects. If you’ve ever had to go through old “sent” emails to find a file or re-read communication notes, you know that it can take a lot of time and be frustrating, too. In AvantFlow, all files and notes are in the same online place—and as the client, you have full control over projects, revisions and deadlines. At Avantpage, we're committed to keeping our clients informed. Contact Avantpage at (530) 750-2040 or at [email protected] for more information.

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Five Smart Strategies For Getting the Most Out Of Your Translation Budget

Five Smart Strategies For Getting the Most Out Of Your Translation Budget

Translation is fast becoming a critical piece of every smart organization’s repertoire. Whether your organization is global or local, communicating to clients, prospects and customers in their own languages is critical to your success. Translation of pertinent documents gives you the ability to connect with people of many languages and cultures and those who are Limited English Proficient. Accurate translation also ensures that you remain in compliance with regulatory agencies that monitor translation requirements at the local, state and national level. At Avantpage, we focus on bridging communication across cultures through translation. Our extensive suite of translation services allows organizations to create documentation and written materials that reach out to clients, customers and prospects through a variety of languages. As an Avantpage client, the more you know about the translation process and how it works, the easier it is to create efficiencies and take advantage of savings opportunities. And the more you work with us, the more we learn about your organization, your clients and your translation preferences. This enables us to make educated recommendations and create a customized translation program for your organization. We’ve put together 5 smart strategies for lowering translation costs. These ideas will help you work productively with us to implement and maintain a cost-effective translation program within your organization. Check back next week for 5 more! Our Translation Memory (TM) software allows you to save specific terminology and style preferences for use on subsequent translations. TM also allows multiple translators to use the same assets in real time and work concurrently, and lets work on a project proceed with multiple languages simultaneously. This streamlines the translation process and makes each subsequent translation more cost-effective for you. You’ll also find that TM contributes to lowering costs by increasing translation quality and consistency, ensuring faster delivery times and giving you greater control over every aspect of your project. Real-time progress reports, simultaneous translation, correction and proofreading, more effective file filters and better stylistic and terminology compliance are just some of the stand-out advantages TM brings to the table. Style Guides and Glossaries are critical for ensuring consistency and accuracy of your documents. This in turn lowers your costs by streamlining the translation process over time. Style Guides and Glossaries are compiled manually and reflect your organization’s specific preferences for translating certain terms, words, phrases, acronyms, etc. To create a client glossary, our team of language specialists will go through a sample set of your files and select terms that would need to be translated consistently for all your documents. Next, they will create a list of suggested translations and submit the list for your consideration. You would then have the option to review these terms and provide us with feedback. Once the terms are finalized, the glossary is uploaded to our online translation system and the terms are automatically highlighted so that the translators are aware that there is a “rule” in place about how to translate this particular terminology. Style Guides let translators know linguistic and stylistic preferences (such as the audience and tone of the document). When we work with our clients, different opinions in writing style may create a great deal of back-and-forth communications, which can slow the translation process. Knowing in advance how you would prefer we handle things like acronyms, grammatical preferences, punctuation, audience reading level/background, etc., allows us to work more quickly and accurately to tailor the translation pieces. You can avoid being charged minimum fees on brief documents by bundling your translation projects together. If the amount of text for translation is very small, a minimum fee is charged instead of applying our usual per-word rate. The minimum fee is agreed upon with the client and is charged on a per-language basis, which means that if the same small document is translated into more than one language, the minimum fee will be applied to each language that the document is being translated into. It is important to make sure that you group brief documents together. This will help you avoid minimum charges. Translation project planning is key to making your projects as streamlined and cost-effective as possible. Prior to the project starting, feel free to consult with your Avantpage project manager about how to format your documents for translation, when they need to be delivered and what services you need us to provide for you. Also take into consideration that some languages have longer translation times than others, and plan your projects and deadlines accordingly. For example, 100 words in Spanish can be done the same day, but the same 100 words in Samoan may take two days or more. Also, be aware that we don´t have a translator in-house for each language, so even if it´s just three sentences, we still need to locate available translators and work with their schedules. When we submit a translation back to a new client for approval, the client sometimes has an internal reviewer read and sign off on the translation. Too often, organizations choose a bilingual employee or someone else who is not a linguist and not qualified. Incorrect changes may then be requested and mistakes introduced into a professionally translated document. This slows the process, jeopardizes the deadline and adds unnecessary costs to the project’s final price tag. It is important to make sure your reviewers are qualified—native speakers, authority on the subject matter, etc. Plus, make sure they’re available when you need them as part of the project schedule. That way, valuable time and effort is not lost through miscommunication and misinformation. At Avantpage, we're committed to keeping our  clients informed. Contact Avantpage at (530) 750-2040 or at [email protected] for more information.

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Reaching Out to Uninsured Latino Markets: Smart Strategies and Best Practices

Reaching Out to Uninsured Latino Markets: Smart Strategies and Best Practices

As a translation services provider, Avantpage is poised to offer expertise, services, information and guidance to health plans, healthcare providers, health organizations and others who are either directly or indirectly involved with healthcare reform. We have extensive experience reaching out to Hispanic markets through Spanish language initiatives, and we specialize in culturally appropriate, effective messaging that is accurate and high-quality. We recently attended a presentation from California Endowment at The State of the Healthcare Conference in Sacramento, CA on April 23, 2013, and we’d like to share some of the insights and information gleaned from our experience. In California, there are seven million uninsured individuals, with Latinos representing 61% of this population. Once healthcare reform goes into full effect, these people will be newly eligible for coverage through Covered California, California’s health benefit exchange.  Outreach efforts to reach this population require a multi-pronged approach. These efforts should include partnering with Latino media outlets (Univision, Telemundo, La Opinion, and Radio Bilingue) sponsoring and initiating community awareness and enrollment events, and working with hospitals and care providers to promote wellness and informational programs. It is important for health plans to reach out to uninsured Latinos now, and let them know that you offer what’s most important to them: Prevention was found to be the #1 most important message to use when reaching out to uninsured Latinos. This market is very responsive to the use of wellness checkups, preventative care and other measures to keep families and children healthy. Latinos are highly concerned about price, value and financial security. Tailor your message so that you focus on these issues and address affordability concerns. This market tends to view doctors as highly respected and trusted professionals. Make sure that you provide comprehensive information regarding the medical professionals available through your plan. Over half of uninsured Latinos speak Spanish (alone and with English) at home. It is critical that your message, outreach materials, website and documentation is presented in Spanish, using high-quality translation that addresses cultural norms, reading levels and accessible translation of medical and insurance language. When referring to healthcare reform, “Obamacare” is the preferred term among Latinos, according to Survey of CA Latinos, March 2013. Reaching Spanish-speaking populations regarding new healthcare initiatives is critical as healthcare reform moves into its final phase of implementation. Health plans must take action now in order to present information, benefits, and features in ways that are understandable and accessible to Hispanic markets. For more information on how you can tailor your services to meet the needs of your Hispanic audience, contact us today! Avantpage can offer suggestions, guidance and information for putting together a comprehensive, cost-effective translation program to help you communicate more effectively, increase your market share and secure new business.

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Joint Commission Standards 101: Communication for High-Quality Care

Joint Commission Standards 101: Communication for High-Quality Care

Communication is key in healthcare—from reading admissions forms to following hospital signage and understanding discharge instructions. And with almost 47 million people in the United States speaking a language other than English, translation is an essential component of safe, effective, and quality healthcare. To ensure that Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients receive the level of care that they are entitled to, the Joint Commission created communication and language standards that went into effect in January 2011. Hospitals and healthcare organizations seeking Joint Commission accreditation must comply with these standards, which include: The Joint Commission is dedicated to improving quality of care through better communication between patients and healthcare providers, providing guidance throughout a patient’s healthcare continuum, including admission, assessment, treatment, end-of-life care, discharge and transfer, and organization readiness. By creating the communication and language standards, the Commission has taken an important step toward facilitating improved patient-provider interaction. When patients can communicate, understand, and follow instructions in their own language, there is less chance of medical misunderstandings and errors that can affect a patient’s health outcome. Is your healthcare organization at risk of non-compliance with the Joint Commission’s language and communication standards? If so, it could have an adverse effect on federal funding in accordance with Title VI regulations. LEP individuals must have meaningful language access to programs and services, or healthcare organizations risk federal funding for programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), research grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or National Institutes of Health. Don’t risk your accreditation status! Translate your vital documents into the languages most commonly encountered, using qualified translators. This will help ensure accuracy and readability, and support effective patient-provider communication. Compliance with Joint Commission Standards is a critical component of any healthcare organization’s care continuum. At Avantpage, we’re fully versed in and adhere to Joint Commission Standards, and work closely with healthcare organizations to translate all types of documentation, signage, website, and other written materials into threshold languages. Contact Avantpage today for more information on how to meet the needs of LEP patients, provide better healthcare patient-centered services and outcomes, and assure compliance with Joint Commission Standards.

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