New: Avantpage’s Translation Brochure
Choosing a translation provider you trust is critical to establishing effective communication with LEP audiences, ensuring that you meet state and federal regulatory guidelines regarding translation compliance, and creating marketing collateral, documentation and other written materials that convey your message accurately and appropriately in any language you choose.
Our new brochure is ready for download now. In it, we provide an overview of Avantpage, our services, and our philosophy. Download now, and you’ll quickly discover who we are, what we do, and the many great services we offer our clients. Within these pages you’ll find introductions to our staff, descriptions of our suite of translation services, definitions, common translation FAQs –– in short, all the information you’ll need to make educated and informed decisions regarding choosing an LEP translation provider for your business.
This brochure addresses our stringent translator selection and qualification guidelines; our step-by-step translation and quality assurance process; our commitment to superior customer service; common definitions including Glossaries, Style Guides, Translation Memory, DTP, Localization and more; and also covers our certifications, our translator code of ethics, and our proprietary project management tool, AvantFlow.
Contact us today at [email protected] to learn more about how our resources can help you create a comprehensive, affordable translation strategy. You’ll be able to communicate more effectively with your clients, increase your market share, and secure new business.