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Avantpage Celebrates Its “Lucky 13th” Anniversary!

Avantpage Celebrates Its “Lucky 13th” Anniversary!

Today, in celebrating our 13th "lucky" year of excellence in helping people better communicate with and understand each other, Avantpage Translations has released a report called Avantpage: Translating 13 Years of Experience into Continued Success. This informative report takes a look back at 13 years of change in the translation industry and how the new global economy and the Internet have affected companies' translation needs. In addition, Avantpage CEO Luis Miguel shares his passion for the translation industry, his insights about the future, and emerging translation trends that may have a major impact. Here's to the next "lucky 13" years!

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10 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Translation Service

10 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Translation Service

For organizations or employees who are seeking translation services for the first time, we have put together some of our best practices. In our report on 10 industry “best practices” to help you navigate the process of getting, managing, and assessing language services.  At Avantpage, we understand how crucial it is that your projects are on track from the very first step. That is why we included our best practices and recommendations to get started, ask questions, and what to avoid in the translation process.  The complete report can be downloaded here.

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Medical Tourism and the American Hospital

Medical Tourism and the American Hospital

Despite the proclamations by some that United States health care leaves much to be desired, the U.S. is the destination of choice for hundreds of thousands choosing to leave their countries for medical procedures each year. According to one study, in 2008, 3.5% of inpatient procedures in the U.S. were performed on international patients. In response to the linguistic challenges that such tourism presents, Avantpage Translations recently released Part I a special report called "Medical Tourism: A Linguistic Perspective." Part II of the report deals with the considerations associated with inbound medical tourism, and reasons why hospitals and other health care providers should consider using a professional translation service. Hospitals in the U.S. have to ensure compliance with federal anti-discrimination laws and other regulations designed to protect the non-English speaking consumer. At the same time, providers wish to create targeted marketing campaigns for specific groups as well as offer a "concierge" experience for each international patient. Recognizing this, Avantpage offers a full complement of translation services to help providers attract foreign patients and provide the best service possible.

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Don’t Let Medical Records Get Lost In Translation

Don’t Let Medical Records Get Lost In Translation

Medical tourism is a hot healthcare trend, with hundreds of thousands of people choosing to leave their countries for medical procedures each year. It's even the subject of the newest thriller by Robin Cook, Foreign Body. According to some projections, up to six million Americans will journey overseas for medical procedures in 2010.In response to the linguistic challenges that such tourism (both inbound and outbound) presents, Avantpage Translations recently released a special report called "Medical Tourism: A Linguistic Perspective." Part I of the report deals with the considerations associated with outbound medical tourism, and ways in which a professional translation service would be helpful, if not absolutely necessary. As patients choose healthcare providers overseas, there are a myriad of concerns involved. Last on the list should be worry that medical records or other documents have not been appropriately translated. Recognizing this, Avantpage offers a full complement of translation services to help patients and providers work together effectively.

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Do You Know How to Ready Your Text for Translation?

Do You Know How to Ready Your Text for Translation?

Readying your text for translation can save you time and money and improve the quality of the resulting translations. When you use words and images that are easy to understand and a presentation that is simple and inviting to read, your customers will better understand the document. When readers understand the material, they are more likely to respond favorably. Contact us for some tips to help you write accessible, easy-to-translate text.

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We've Got the 411 On Translation Terminology

We've Got the 411 On Translation Terminology

It has already become apparent to many companies that communication in diverse languages is imperative in order to build and maintain a global brand in the 21st century. Less clear (at least to those not already acquainted with the translation industry) is the terminology associated with translation services. L10N, GILT, DTP, I18N... what does it all mean? Avantpage is here to help you navigate these sometimes confusing terms in a special report called "Translation 411: A Quick Guide To The Services You Need In The 21st Century Global Economy".  Avantpage's special report has been written as a service to help organizations better understand the terminology and the necessities of the globalization process. We'll continue to examine all of the linguistic issues that affect business and keep our clients informed. You may also contact Avantpage at (530) 750-2040 or at [email protected] for more information.

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New York Times Article about Prescriptions and Translations

New York Times Article about Prescriptions and Translations

Five leading pharmacy chains in New York state have announced they’ll be providing prescition drug information to their customers in their primary language.

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Are You Reaching Your Hispanic/Latino Customers?

Are You Reaching Your Hispanic/Latino Customers?

In today’s global economy, it is an absolute necessity that your company be able to communicate to Spanish speakers of all cultures. Our priority as a premier Spanish translation provider is ensuring that your message is clear. Establishing a worldwide presence requires quality Spanish translation services that work for you – and nothing less. Our native-speaking Spanish translators understand that Spanish is a living language-a language with many different dialects and shades of meaning.  So whether you’re doing business in Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, or the United States, our sensitive Spanish translations will be just right for your audience. Statistics show that by 2016, the Latino/Hispanic population will make up 16% of the entire United States workforce, or 26.2 million people, and by 2050, the Latino/Hispanic group will make up 30% of the US population. Establish a positive corporate image for your business in Latino/Hispanic communities by creating Spanish-language messaging that is on target linguistically as well as culturally. Why is quality so important when it comes to Spanish translations? There is no margin for error. You have one opportunity to make a dynamic and lasting impression-a chance to show your Spanish-speaking audience that you understand who they are and what they want. High-quality translation will solidify your market position, strengthen your relationships with your audience, and more effectively brand your business. At Avantpage, we are here so that you succeed. We partner with you every step of the way, offering responsive, accommodating, and flexible Spanish translation service designed to meet your objectives, exceed your standards, and to produce a consistent message that delivers. We take a personal interest in your business and provide you with exceptional Spanish language services in a variety of subjects such as medical/healthcare, financial, business and technical.

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Capture the Fastest Growing Health Care Market in America

Capture the Fastest Growing Health Care Market in America

The AHIP Institute is coming up soon (June 3-5) and Avantpage is very excited to be part of the Virtual Exhibits Area. We invite you to stop by and learn about the translation solutions we offer so your organization can increase its ethnic membership. Learn how to capture the Latino, Asian, and other ethnic markets with culturally sensitive translations from Avantpage. See you in San Diego!

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SMUD Chooses Avantpage for Translation Services

SMUD Chooses Avantpage for Translation Services

We’re glad to let you know that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has chosen Avantpage for exclusive language translation of its marketing communications documents and website pages. Avantpage was awarded the two-year contract because of high ratings on areas such as its proven ability to manage multiple projects under tight deadlines, and for its commitment to value. Avantpage will translate into Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, Hmong, Korean, and Tagalog languages. Serving more than 590,000 residential and commercial customers in a 900-square mile area, SMUD provides Spanish translation for its website. This allows SMUD to communicate necessary information-such as education and safety, bill paying, ways to save energy, how to schedule repairs, online account information, and much more-to customers who may have limited proficiency in English. By presenting their website in English and Spanish, SMUD is doing more than connecting cross-culturally with its existing customers–it’s reaching out to potential customers too. “SMUD and Avantpage are a perfect fit, as they demand technically sophisticated file handling, quick turnarounds, and excellent linguistic quality that is easy to understand-all Avantpage strengths,” says Luis Miguel, Avantpage CEO.

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Digital Inclusion and the Role of Language Access and Accessibility 2

Digital Inclusion and the Role of Language Access and Accessibility 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Digital Inclusion and the Role of Language Access and Accessibility

Digital Inclusion and the Role of Language Access and Accessibility

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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