
Avantpage Translation and Quality Assurance Process
At Avantpage, each translation project is closely aligned with our quality assurance process. Each translation request goes through several quality assurance stages: Editing The editor checks the translation for accuracy and compliance with the client's specifications; looks for typos, grammatical mistakes; and checks style, consistency, and more. Terminology Control The translated text is processed with a QA tool to make sure all the terms match the terms on the client's terminological database or glossary. There are several tools available for this purpose. Review/Proofreading This is a target-audience review to ensure cultural appropriateness. This review is made by people familiar with the target community. Correction The translation goes back to the translator and/or editor with the client's feedback, and the changes can be accepted (or rejected). Back Translation This is an optional stage, where the translated text is back translated into the original language to ensure the customer that there were no omissions, additions, or any alteration to the main message or meaning of the text. Client Review The client has the opportunity to review the translation and make any preferential changes. The translator approves (or rejects) the changes. Desktop Publishing After all linguistic steps are completed, we typeset the file so that it matches cultural appropriateness, specific client preferences, selection of images, character sets, page size, etc., according to the target language. Proofing In this final stage, a proofer evaluates the final file against the original file looking for compliance with the project specifications. To find out more about Avantpage's our QA process, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today!

Is Your Language Assistance Program In Need of an Upgrade?
As a health care provider, you know that clear, open communication with your clients is critical. If your LEP (Limited English Proficient) clients don't fully understand discharge instructions, insurance information, consent forms, applications, and other written materials, you may be putting them - as well as yourself and your organization - at risk. When you make an effort to communicate with your clients in their primary language, the benefits are enormous. You will improve understanding of insurance and plan guidelines; reduce medical misunderstandings, billing errors and potential malpractice charges; and provide the opportunity for more positive health outcomes across the board. At Avantpage, we specialize in translation for the healthcare industry, and work closely with some of today's largest healthcare organizations. To discover how Avantpage can provide affordable, accurate, high-quality translation services for you, click here. To get a quote for translation services, click here. Don't let inaccuracies in translation hinder the effectiveness of your message, drive off potential business, or compromise patient care.

Have you considered AvantFlow lately?
If not, maybe it's time to take another look! Our clients who use it, love it and here's why: AvantFlow--our signature online translation management system--is a free-of-charge, easy, systematic way to request quotes and projects from us. It also serves as a secure online central repository to store and retrieve all your translation project files. In addition, you can also use AvantFlow to instantly check project status, give detailed project instructions, upload source files, assign due dates and deadlines, and much more. To schedule your 15-minute demo, call me at 530-750-2040, x3, or email me at [email protected]. The demo will give you an idea of how AvantFlow works, how simple it is to use, and how effective it can be in requesting/storing projects and monitoring ongoing work.I look forward to hearing from you! Laura Kujubu, VP of Customer Relations

A Look at the Avantpage Translator Selection Process
Pre-Qualification Translators can apply for work via our Careers page on our website or they can be referred by translators who already work with Avantpage. Translators must submit their Request for Qualifications form to qualify; they must perform sample tests in their areas of expertise; and they must send a sample of their work along with the original source document, and a valid Certification of Membership to ATA, a Court Certification, or a Certification from an equivalent Professional Translation Institution. Qualification Once the translator is pre-qualified, we interview them, and our Project Management team works with him/her in a "test" project to evaluate quality, responsiveness, and turnaround times. The translation is reviewed by the Lead Translator to check accuracy and quality with the original file. If these stages are completed successfully, the translator signs the nondisclosure agreement, and they are monitored for 3 months by our PM team and the Lead Translator for that language. Permanent Team Members Translators receive training on our online project management systems (AvantFlow and AvantForum), Translation Tools (SDLX, Trados), AvantMemory/XTM, teamwork, Avantpage quality control process, and Avantpage customer service guidelines. All our translators receive permanent feedback and training in order to continuously be updated in their performance. Each language team has access to AvantForum to share best practices with the rest of the Avantpage Translators' team. Continuous Evaluation and Skill Updating Translators are periodically evaluated to ensure they have been performing well for our customers. In addition we survey them for new skills or tools they have acquired, continuing education courses, and ask them how we can improve our systems or processes. To find out more about Avantpage's translators, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today!

Special Report Now Online: Health Benefit Exchange
Health Benefit Exchange Gives Uninsured Consumers Access to High-Quality, Affordable Health Care In accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, passed in March of 2010, the California Health Benefit Exchange is slated to go into effect on January 1, 2014. The Health Benefit Exchange is essentially a health plan "marketplace" where uninsured individuals and small businesses can shop for and purchase high-quality health insurance. Individuals with low to moderate incomes, and small businesses of less than 100 employees will be eligible for federal tax credits and cost-sharing subsidies previously only available to those with employer-based heath insurance. Through the California Health Benefit Exchange, consumers will be able to shop for and purchase health insurance on the private market. They will gain greater purchasing power due to a more stable risk pool, increased competition among insurers, and the ability to "comparison shop" for healthcare. The Exchange will operate as a web-based service that acts as a "portal" for numerous health plans, enabling health care plan shoppers to compare coverage, offerings, rates, services and more. The Exchange will provide clear, easy-to-understand information to consumers through their website, which will offer standardized, detailed information about the plans, access to health plan experts, and a toll-free number to call for more information. If you would like to learn more about the California Health Benefit Exchange and its impact on translation needs, download our Special Report. Although the Exchange will not go into effect until 2014, many health care organizations are already laying the groundwork for ramped-up translation efforts utilizing numerous threshold languages. Starting the translation process now will ensure that LEP healthcare consumers have the information they need to make informed decisions once they are using the Health Benefit Exchange website.

10 Best Practices for Hiring a Translation Company
In response to the current regulatory climate, many companies are in need of translation services for the first time. Avantpage has responded with a report on 10 industry “best practices” that will help any business navigate the process of obtaining, coordinating, and evaluating translation services. These best practices are especially relevant for companies in the healthcare industry. Because Avantpage realizes how important it is to get things right from the beginning, included are tips for getting started, questions businesses need to ask at the start of the process, as well as potential pitfalls to avoid. The complete report can be downloaded here.

Avantpage Translators: 3 Quick Facts
1. Who Are Avantpage's Translators? At Avantpage, our translators are the lifeblood of our company. Their skills, knowledge, and expertise enable us to provide accurate, quality translation in well over 150 languages for a diverse client base, including healthcare, financial, education, government and more. At Avantpage, our translators are much more than just foreign language experts. They have a passion for linguistics, a gift for understanding the finer points of syntax, grammar, and style, and a profound knowledge of how language and culture affects written and oral communication, beliefs, and behaviors. 2. How Are Translators Selected? We select our translators very carefully, and they must go through a rigorous qualification/training process before being asked to join the Avantpage team. We choose individuals based on their depth of knowledge, experience, and professionalism, and offer complete training on our online project management systems, translation tools, quality control processes, company expectations, and specific customer service guidelines. 3. What Can You Expect? When you choose Avantpage for your translation needs, you can rest assured you will be working with the best translators in the business - experienced, focused, expert, individuals who put their heart and soul into every translation project they take on. To find out more about Avantpage's translators, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] today!

Advanced translation technology puts a trio of powerful tools at your fingertips – AvantFlow, AvantMemory, AvantForum
By tapping into next generation web-based technologies, Avantpage has increased our online capabilities and streamlined our translation processes. Navigation, customization, communication - it's all easier, faster, and more efficient than ever before. We've designed three powerful software applications - AvantFlow, AvantMemory, and AvantForum - to work cohesively and provide a more productive, user-friendly online translation environment. What can you expect to gain from putting these tools to use? For starters, you'll have greater control over all your translation projects, from initial quote to final delivery. You'll gain instant online access to all aspects of a project's progress, which makes monitoring and tracking that much easier. These tools give you the freedom to spend less time on administrative tasks, troubleshooting and backtracking - and more time overseeing the quality, accuracy, consistency and timelines of the projects themselves. AvantFlow allows you to manage, organize, and keep track of all your translation projects AvantFlow is our signature online project management system, now upgraded and revised to be more practical and accessible than ever before. Easier site navigation, improved access to resources and faster response times are just some of the latest improvements. Use AvantFlow to request quotes, instantly check project status, give detailed project instructions, upload source files, assign due dates and deadlines, and much more. AvantMemory lets you access and manage your translation assets more easily and effectively AvantMemory is a web-based system that streamlines the translation process, providing greater client control. AvantMemory includes customized linguistic glossaries that save specific terminology and style preferences; allows multiple vendors to work with the same assets in real time; allows linguistic team members to work concurrently; and lets work on a project proceed with multiple languages simultaneously. AvantForum facilitates communication and collaboration in real time between project stakeholders Through AvantForum, all communication relating to a specific project is captured in one central online location. All project stakeholders have instant access to the same information, including preferences and requirements, online conversations, emails, meeting notes and more. AvantForum minimizes the possibility of critical information "slipping through the cracks," while maximizing client/translation team collaboration and effectiveness. Through the use of these next generation technologies, we'll be able to focus all of our efforts on providing exceptional translation and language services. And you will be able to keep your translation projects moving forward smoothly - on target, on time and under budget. Call us today for a free demo of any of these technologies at 877-ANY-LANG or [email protected].

Avantpage Partners with XTM International to Market and Distribute XTM Cloud Solutions to North and Central America
Avantpage has agreed to act as a non-exclusive agent for sales of XTM Cloud computing solutions to companies and organizations in North and Central America. Avantpage is pleased to have this opportunity to work with XTM International to reach new markets. Click here for more information.

New Case Study: AvantMemory
Avantpage recently utilized XTM International's AvantMemory product to deliver a crucial, high quality job - on time and within budget, without compromising on quality. Read the full case study here, and learn how Avantpage served its large health care client with a 30-file, Spanish-to-English translation project, totalling one million words -- and only 9 days to complete the project. This new case study details the task, key questions, and outcome of this project. You may also contact Avantpage at (530) 750-2040 or at [email protected] for more information.

Avantpage Partners with the Davis Bridge Foundation to Promote Educational Success
The Davis Bridge Educational Foundation is an organization devoted to promoting educational opportunities for all Davis, California students, regardless of income level, race, or ethnicity. The Davis Bridge works with low-income, under-achieving Davis students in grades K-12. The majority of students in Davis who fit this description are Chicana/o Latina/o students. However, the Bridge serves Anglo, Asian, East Asian, and African/African-American children as well. Bridge volunteers provide tutoring, computer access, school supplies, and after-school snacks to students at four after-school homework clubs in the Davis area. The Davis Bridge Foundation hopes to make college and academic success a realistic goal for these children by making them feel valued, showing them they have the power to achieve, and giving them the academic tools and support system to do so. Avantpage and CEO Dr. Luis Miguel have been involved with the Davis Bridge Foundation since 2004, offering IT support, website design/hosting and email support. Avantpage provides all Spanish translations for the Bridge, and has donated several computer systems to them as well. In addition, Dr. Miguel was President of the Davis Bridge Foundation Board from 2004 to 2010. The Davis Bridge is a cause close to Dr. Miguel's heart, and he believes that local initiatives such as the Davis Bridge can have a significant impact on communities and their members. According to Dr. Miguel, "I see education, and all it carries with it, as the most important determinant of success for young people. My kids are just like many of the kids served by the Davis Bridge, with education being the main differentiator." To find out more about Davis Bridge, its mission, and how you can contribute, go to or contact Janet Boulware, Executive Director and Founder, by e-mail at [email protected] or call (530) 574-2804.
Hispanic Demographics are Trending Up!
Power up your Spanish translation program... Spanish-speaking Americans are growing in numbers, expanding their reach and buying power, and gaining ground in numerous geographical areas. The 2010 US Census preliminary results indicate that in numerous states, the Hispanic population is on the upswing. With more state results to come, trends definitely point to robust Hispanic market growth. Many of these people are Limited English Proficient, and are most comfortable reading and communicating in Spanish. What does this mean for you? If you are thinking of increasing your presence in the Spanish-speaking marketplace, now is the time to make your move. Localizing your website and multimedia materials, translating your documents and signage and presenting marketing and advertising campaigns in Spanish as well as English will help you target and connect with LEP consumers. New Spanish-speaking prospects are out there in force, and they are ready and willing to use your services, buy your products and support your company - if you commit to reaching out to them in their own language. At Avantpage, we excel at English to Spanish translation that is high quality, culturally sensitive and audience-appropriate. Our translation teams are experts at choosing the proper wording, sentence structure and terminology that will best get your message across.