by Avantpage | Jan 17, 2013 | Language Industry, Technology
The digital age is profoundly impacting society as we know it, but since we do translations best, let’s focus on the changes happening there! As consumerism’s voracity has sharpened, and people used to the exponential growth of technology start expecting faster...
by Avantpage | Jan 13, 2012 | Elections Translation, Language Industry
Recently, the federal government indicated that Sacramento County must print ballots and other voting materials in Chinese in time for the next election. Only 15 other counties throughout America are required to print ballots in Chinese. New census data has shown...
by Avantpage | Jul 11, 2011 | Language Industry
In response to the current regulatory climate, many companies are in need of translation services for the first time. Avantpage has responded with a report on 10 industry “best practices” that will help any business navigate the process of obtaining,...
by Avantpage | Sep 14, 2010 | Language Industry
Did you know that there is a vast pool of prospective buyers out there who you may be overlooking? According to research presented by The Hispanic Center,* the number of foreign-born United States citizens has increased significantly between the years 2000 and...
by Avantpage | May 10, 2010 | Language Industry
This past weekend I had a great opportunity to spend time at NYU in a course through their School of Continuing and Professional Studies. I gathered with a small group of other professionals talking about ethnic marketing and ways to reach multicultural communities....