by Avantpage | Feb 23, 2016 | Elections Translation
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Guest post by Avantpage intern Hannah Trumbull If fair and equal access to voting is a central tenet of a true democracy, then California’s democratic process is far from functional. The great state is home to 14.5 million Latino...
by Avantpage | Dec 15, 2015 | Elections Translation
During election season, it’s important to make sure your messaging and documentation reaches all potential voters and supporters and it all begins with encouraging voters to come to the polls. The title of this post uses a Google Translate Spanish translation of the...
by Avantpage | Sep 21, 2015 | Healthcare Translation
As healthcare in the United States increasingly becomes available to lower income and immigrant populations via the Affordable Care Act, most health insurance plans are removing barriers to eligibility and increasing benefits. As a result, they’re gaining millions of...
by Avantpage | Aug 7, 2015 | Healthcare Translation
Numerous studies show that communicating with patients in their own language results in better health outcomes, leading to healthier patients and lower medical costs for the patient and their insurers. When reflecting on why this is so, it occurs to me that it is just...
by Avantpage | Jun 16, 2015 | Translation
Quality in the translation industry means much more than translating words or sentences correctly. High quality translation is error-free, culturally sensitive, intuitive, accurate, meets reading level criteria, and addresses individual client and language...