by Avantpage | Aug 7, 2015 | Healthcare Translation
Numerous studies show that communicating with patients in their own language results in better health outcomes, leading to healthier patients and lower medical costs for the patient and their insurers. When reflecting on why this is so, it occurs to me that it is just...
by Avantpage | May 18, 2015 | Technology
Organizations that rely on translation services to communicate information about their products and services to diverse cultural and ethnic groups know that project management, workflow management and linguistic assets management are a large part of the translation...
by Avantpage | Apr 28, 2015 | Language Industry
Terminology is the study of terms and their use. However, to a translation company, terminology refers to a specific group of descriptive words used by an organization to describe commonly used terms within their own business “language.” Different organizations will...
by Avantpage | Apr 7, 2015 | Translation Resources
For organizations that translate large volumes of material, style guides can be a godsend. Style guides are created collaboratively between the language services provider and the organization, and they are then used by linguists to communicate an organization’s...
by Avantpage | Apr 1, 2015 | Healthcare Translation
Now that access to quality medical care in the U.S. has become easier under the Affordable Healthcare Act, health providers are increasingly faced with the challenge of treating patients with limited English proficiency (LEP). Fortunately, there are several healthcare...