Translation is key in reaching Medicare beneficiaries
Help your clients take full advantage of all the services Medicare has to offer
Millions of Americans are Medicare beneficiaries, yet a large percentage of these people remain unaware of all the health services they are actually entitled to receive. As part of the many health reforms implemented by the present administration, annual health checks are now offered free of charge to Medicare members. Similarly, preventive services such as cancer screenings as well as many other procedures are now being offered for free as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. However, few Medicare members are taking advantage of these services.
Did you know that during the first two quarters of 2011, less than 20% of all Medicare beneficiaries utilized the health benefits they were entitled to? Another shocking statistic: of the 33 million Medicare beneficiaries currently listed, less than 800,000 had undergone an annual health check during the first half of the year.
How to reach Medicare beneficiaries? Targeted marketing is key!
Marketing campaigns geared to Medicare members will help boost awareness of available health services and benefits. Translation plays a critical role in the Medicare marketing process. When creating campaigns to reach out to Limited English Proficient (LEP) Medicare beneficiaries, it is important to ensure that information is translated accurately into your clients’ source languages.
Communicating with members in their primary language or languages will improve understanding of available Medicare benefits, help them to understand and access health-related information, give them the tools they need to make better, more educated choices regarding their health care, and provide the opportunity for more positive health outcomes across the board.
Accurate, high-quality translation is key to getting your message across to Medicare members who may be Limited English Proficient. Don’t let inaccuracies in translation hinder the effectiveness of your message, limit access to critical information or otherwise negatively impact your marketing efforts. At Avantpage, we specialize in translation for the healthcare industry, and handle translation duties for some of today’s most important healthcare players.
For more information on all of Avantpage’s healthcare translation services, call 877-ANY-LANG or email [email protected] or get your free quote today!
Also, be sure to read our case study profiling Alameda Alliance for Health, and discover how Avantpage delivered a complex project in two languages swiftly, smoothly and within budget and timeframe through the use of Translation Memory. Plus, our new Process Insight piece for Healthcare Marketing details the step-by-step process we followed to help the health plan industry communicate health care initiatives to Limited English Proficient members and potential members.