Celebrating ASL Day

Celebrating ASL Day

Today, April 15th we observe the National ASL Day which is a great opportunity to celebrate and learn more about American Sign Language.  On this day in 1817, the American School for the Deaf (ASD) opened in Hartford, Connecticut. There, teachers and students worked...
Understanding ADA translation

Understanding ADA translation

Translation provides meaningful access to services and products that people need. Sometimes, though, this may not be enough for people with certain disabilities. Fortunately, many governments and private organizations are taking notice of this and...
What Do You Know About Transcreation?

What Do You Know About Transcreation?

If you’re looking to globalize your business, you may be asking yourself what language service will best achieve your goals. While literal translation will adapt your content to meet the language requirements of your target audience, it could lead to misnomers, given...