by Avantpage | Feb 5, 2015 | Technology
When considering the best way to tackle a translation project, it’s easy to get confused about the differences between machine translation (MT) and translation memory (TM). Both are valuable tools to get the job done, but each one comes with its own pros and cons....
by Avantpage | Jan 17, 2013 | Language Industry, Technology
The digital age is profoundly impacting society as we know it, but since we do translations best, let’s focus on the changes happening there! As consumerism’s voracity has sharpened, and people used to the exponential growth of technology start expecting faster...
by Avantpage | Jul 15, 2012 | Technology
Machine Translation is the process of using computer software to translate between languages. Currently, these programs can be grouped into three main categories: RULE-BASED TRANSLATION Produced using existing grammar rules and dictionary entries. STATISTICAL...
by Avantpage | May 21, 2012 | Technology
Translation Memory (TM) is a database of all previous translations that were created specifically for a client. Think of a TM as a long list of A = B, where A is a sentence from the source document and B is the same sentence translated. When you submit a new document,...
by Avantpage | Oct 3, 2011 | Technology
At Avantpage, each translation project is closely aligned with our quality assurance process. Each translation request goes through several quality assurance stages: Editing The editor checks the translation for accuracy and compliance with the client’s...
by Avantpage | Aug 8, 2011 | Technology
If not, maybe it’s time to take another look! Our clients who use it, love it and here’s why: AvantFlow–our signature online translation management system–is a free-of-charge, easy, systematic way to request quotes and projects from us. It also...